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The BandQ ad, which tackles the issue of rising living expenses, is surreal

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    The film was shot entirely upside down in a suspended reality, where the retailer's products were literally and figuratively nailed down.

    Amid an ongoing cost of living crisis, B&Q hopes to remind customers of its value proposition.

    Created by Uncommon, 'Prices. Nailed' succinctly conveys this narrative with an artistic shower of stocked tools and implements frozen in space and time above a garden and only as the camera pans do the miscellaneous assortment of items resolve into the shape of a hammer.

    Precariously tethered to the ground, the items are shown dangling from an upside-down vantage point, a surprising frame of reference reinforced by falling objects such as a pint of milk, eggs and a smashed piggy bank – a metaphor for the financial strain people are experiencing.

    Tom Hampson, marketing director at B&Q said: “Spring is always an important time of year for our customers, who turn their attention to resetting their gardens and giving their inside spaces a makeover.

    “With rising prices across household bills, we know the dynamics will be different this year, but we still want to help our customers make the most of spring. That’s why we’ve nailed down prices on hundreds of essential spring products. We’re so pleased to be launching our ‘Prices. Nailed’ campaign to shout about it with this beautifully crafted piece of work from our long-standing partners at Uncommon.”

    Shot with an inverted camera to turn our notions of physics upside down the dramatic piece saw objects painstakingly threaded into position to avert a Newtonian fall back down to Earth.

    Screening on TV, social, video-on-demand and digital throughout April, with associated radio, outdoor and press executions to follow later in the month.

    B&G has delighted in defying gravity in its marketing, as exemplified by an ambitious full-scale replica of a suburban house, wrenched asunder by an inexplicable force.


    Project name: Prices. Nailed.

    Client: B&Q

    Creative studio: Uncommon

    Production company: Biscuit Filmworks UK x Revolver

    Director: The Glue Society

    Producer: Tom Birmingham

    Managing director: Rupert Reynolds-MacLean

    Executive producer: Samantha Chitty

    Head of production: Polly Du Plessis

    Production manager: Adam Oyejobi

    Director of photography: Krzysztof Trojnar

    Production designer: Mark Connell

    Stylist: Molly Robinson

    Hair and makeup Poppy France

    Editing company: Tenthree

    Editor: David Whittaker

    Post-production: Electric Theatre Company

    Exec producer: Vic Lovejoy

    Producer: Joe Billington

    VFX supervisors: James Sindle and Amy Smith

    2D lead: Amy Smith

    Comp: Tane Welham

    Comp: Catarina Goncalves

    Grade: Jason Wallis

    Sound: String and Tins

    Audio post-production: String and Tins

    Sound design: Adam Smyth

    Audio mix: Joe Wilkinson

    Audio producer: Olivia Endersby

    Music supervision: King Lear

    Music supervisors: Sarah Giles & Kaya Pino


    Article information

    Author: Richard Wilkinson

    Last Updated: 1702406882

    Views: 1052

    Rating: 4.4 / 5 (57 voted)

    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Richard Wilkinson

    Birthday: 1953-01-08

    Address: 523 Maurice Hills, North Alanville, FL 00878

    Phone: +4069759113892388

    Job: Network Administrator

    Hobby: Badminton, Stargazing, Coin Collecting, Horseback Riding, Fencing, Gardening, Whiskey Distilling

    Introduction: My name is Richard Wilkinson, I am a fearless, frank, irreplaceable, vivid, apt, rich, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.