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The Bitcoin Cycle: Rinse, Wash, Repeat

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    The more things change, the more they stay the same. As time passes, we are learning how directly this relates to the cryptocurrency market. We all love to say that this time is different. Saying there won’t be another extended bear market where prices collapse and it seems like the entire world turns against this market. But it always happens, and for the foreseeable future will continue to happen.

    However, this isn’t a bad thing. If you know how crypto cycles work, and that they are set on a cycle of simply wash, rinse, and repeat. You can use it to your advantage. The cryptocurrency market still presents perhaps the greatest opportunity to change your life financially. You just need to have the patience, conviction, and most of all; experience and knowledge to make it happen.

    What goes up, must come down. And what goes down, must come up.

    Throughout the last handful of years in the cryptocurrency cycles there have been two dangerously bullish times that should have made you worried. The first was all the way back toward the end of 2017. The hype surrounding Bitcoin was everywhere, and a large number of people were learning about it for the first time. Trying to get rich quickly, people were rushing into Bitcoin. People had gotten so used to the price going up 10 to 15% on a daily basis, that they were expecting its price to rise all the way up to $50k. That should have been your warning to expect that the price would soon be crashing.

    The second most recent bullish time that should have made you cautious was in the fall of 2021. Bitcoin had just recovered after a difficult summer, and the futures BTC ETF had been approved in the US. Laser eyes were everywhere, and people were declaring that Bitcoin would rise up to $100k, and that would be only the beginning. However, the launch day of that ETF would end up being the top of the cycle, and Bitcoin wouldn’t come anywhere close to those price predictions. Topping out at $69k.


    Article information

    Author: Sheila Keith

    Last Updated: 1704303482

    Views: 1732

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    Author information

    Name: Sheila Keith

    Birthday: 1940-10-08

    Address: 4704 Charles Ways Apt. 359, Carpenterton, DC 22831

    Phone: +4061664963354269

    Job: Geologist

    Hobby: Fishing, Woodworking, Tennis, Billiards, Bird Watching, Rowing, Telescope Building

    Introduction: My name is Sheila Keith, I am a irreplaceable, dedicated, strong-willed, unreserved, Open, resolved, dear person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.