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Which US cities and states get the most clicks on advertisements?

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    Americans living in the South, on the East Coast, and in eastern Midwest states are much more likely to click on digitals ads than the rest of the country is, according to a recent report from AdRoll and Pricenomics.

    The report was based on Adroll data from the United States. The researchers examined the aggregate click-through-rate (CTR) for every state and 100 major cities; each location was assigned an a click-through index score between 1 (least likely to click on ads) and 10 (most likely to click on ads).

    People in the South—particularly in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana—click on ads at higher rates than those in the West, the analysis found.

    Mississippi has the highest average CTR, followed by Delaware. Utah and New Hampshire have the lowest average CTRs.

    People in Columbus, Ohio, and Detroit, Michigan, are most likely to click on digital ads. Residents of tech hubs such as Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, San Francisco, and Seattle are among those least likely to click on ads.

    About the research: The report was based on Adroll data from the United States. The research examined the aggregate click-through-rate (CTR) for every state and 100 major cities.


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    Author: Jennifer Meza

    Last Updated: 1703808722

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    Author information

    Name: Jennifer Meza

    Birthday: 1934-06-29

    Address: 24573 White Lodge Suite 949, West Lisa, TX 41953

    Phone: +3891223238090145

    Job: Air Marshal

    Hobby: Table Tennis, Wildlife Photography, Geocaching, Embroidery, Mountain Climbing, Painting, Chess

    Introduction: My name is Jennifer Meza, I am a cherished, candid, unguarded, capable, fearless, Precious, forthright person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.